Compact and practical air curtain

Air Curtains Air Heaters Heat Recovery Units Ventilation Units Air Purifiers Control Systems HVAC Components Housing Schools Public Buildings Business Restaurants and Hotels Sports Airports Industry and Logistics

ENTRESSE is a compact, easy to install and control air curtain for budget conscious customers. STRAW-SYSTEM Technology ensures great screening effect with low energy consumption and low noise level. A streamlined design provides a wide range of installation applications.

Easy to use remote control with infra-red beam and, when connecting a room thermostat and door switch, the air curtain will provide effective doorway screening, ensuring comfort for customers and staff.

ENTRESSE is a sensible solution for smaller shops, restaurants, cafes and similar facilities. When budget is of utmost concern look no further.

Technical Specifications

  • Airflow: 1250 - 2600 m3/h
  • Recommended installation height: 2.5 m
  • STRAW SYSTEM Technology - maximizing screening effect
  • Easy and intuitive control (IR controller)
  • Compact and neat design


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2VV s.r.o., Nádražní 794
533 51 Pardubice - Rosice
Czech Republic

ID: 62065467
VAT ID: CZ62065467

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in Hradec Králové,
section C, file 7642