Discreet and extremely powerful air curtain

Air Curtains Air Heaters Heat Recovery Units Ventilation Units Air Purifiers Control Systems HVAC Components Housing Schools Public Buildings Business Restaurants and Hotels Sports Airports Industry and Logistics

FINESSE is an air curtain for installation in recessed ceilings. Despite the extraordinary performance, its presence in the interior does not disturb.
 It boasts the unique Face 2 in 1 technology for easy maintenance as well as the clever AirGENIO control, which we produce in three versions with different technical level depending on your demand.

FINESSE is suitable for representative premises such as banks, financial buildings, exclusive boutiques as well as department stores or airport terminals.

Technical Specifications

  • Airflow: 2140 - 6100 m3/h
  • Recommended installation height: 4 m
  • FACE 2 in 1 - suction cover + filter = 2 in 1
  • AirGENIO control in 3 versions (BA, CO, SU)
  • Simple installation and service


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533 51 Pardubice - Rosice
Czech Republic

ID: 62065467
VAT ID: CZ62065467

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in Hradec Králové,
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